how it works
how it works
how it works
When you think about fostering, you might just think about foster families. But fostering in Caerphilly is a lot more connected and varied than you might think.
Foster Wales Caerphilly’s dedicated network provides expertise, professional support and guidance whenever you need it.
better together
Support – it’s what we do. For the children in our care. For their foster families that take care of them. For the skilled professionals who work with us. We’re all in it together.
What makes Foster Wales’ support so special is that every Local Authority works collaboratively. 22 dedicated, not-for-profit organisations, achieving great things for children all across Wales. With everything going back into the people that need it the most, there’s nothing we can’t do.
what makes us different
We’re not your standard fostering agency. Foster Wales is comprised of 22 Local Authority fostering teams, including ours here in Caerphilly. This means we operate nationally, but think and act locally.
We believe this is in the best interest of the children we care for. Maintaining a close connection to their local community helps them grow as individuals. Friendships, school, social clubs and of course family are so important. So, when it’s right for them, we will always prioritise keeping children in the familiar surroundings they know and love. Fostering isn’t always about big changes. It’s about enhancing a child’s life so they enjoy it to the full, and become the best possible version of themselves. Together, we can make this happen.